Debit & Credit 4.1: Shared Folders, Improved Refunds
First of all, I want to thank all of my customers for sharing feedback on financial plans introduced in the previous update. Your suggestions helped to shape this release and make the app better.
Let’s get through the new features!
Account Folder Sharing
Now you can share account folders with other users. Any new accounts you later create in shared folders will be automatically shared as well. However, please note that it is no longer possible to share individual accounts in a folder, you can only share all accounts in a folder or individual accounts that are not in folders. If you have previously shared accounts in a folder, you will need to set up shared accounts again.
Improved Account Selection for Sharing
Since now the app supports many different types of data that can be shared (accounts, folders, budgets, scheduled transactions) the dialog for picking what data to share was redesigned to offer a better experience.
Effective Date for Refunds
When creating a refund for an existing transaction, the app will allow you to set an “effective date” for it. This is the date that will be used for reports and plan calculations. Consider the following example: you buy something in January and then later sell it in March. When creating a refund transaction for the sale, you want that transaction to be accounted for as if it was recorded in January (you want reports to indicate decreased expense in January and not in March).
Improved Financial Plans
- previously the app was showing unplanned expenses only as categories. Now unplanned expenses with tags will be separately grouped.
- now you can duplicate existing financial plans. This is useful when you have finished a plan and you want to create a new plan based on it.
- financial plan calculation is now up to 2 times faster.
Improved Reports
When you open the “What do I spend my money on? report and then select a category, the list of transactions will have amounts for the relevant split categories separately displayed, e.g. “$5 out of $20”. Previously this feature was available only when the report did not have the categories grouping option enabled.
Improved Transactions Exporting
If you use the same child category name more than once in different parent categories, the app will include a parent category name when exporting transactions.
Improvements Related to Attachments on iPhone
If you open an attachment on the iPhone and it has a barcode, the app will automatically increase screen brightness. Many people use attachments to store gift cards and later scan them, increased brightness improves barcode scanning.
Background Refresh on Mac
If you leave the Mac app open it will refresh data in the background every hour to keep up to date with other devices and perform other maintenance tasks.
Other Improvements
- handoff support for financial plans
- now you can set zero as an amount for expense or income transactions
- small improvements related to how scheduled transactions are displayed
- on Mac budgets will have different progress bar colour depending on your spending (not in the sidebar, only when “Budgets” section is selected)
- on Mac badges for overspent budgets and overdue scheduled transactions have a prettier font
- accessibility improvements